Saturday, October 29, 2011

Almost Halloween!

Hey everyone!

What a great time of year! The leaves are blowing down the street... the skies are overcast... grinning jack-o-lanterns on every porch.. spooky isn't it? It just 'screams' (like that?) of scary movies.

Of course we all know the Halloween movie series. I love them. Not ALL of them... (can't stand H3) ... but the majority are pretty darned cool. Personally, I prefer old school to the Rob Zombie revamps, but his are pretty cool too. Very dark.

My recommendation for you tonight is to shut off all the lights, curl up on the couch and dive into a Halloween marathon! You might regret it, but not until bed time.



  1. LOVE it! Best holiday of the year...and I totally agree Halloween 3 is AWFUL!

    I love me some Michael Myers!

    Happy Halloween! :-)

    oh and how about Walking Dead last night!!

  2. Walking Dead was AMAZING!!! Every episode has shocked me!
