Monday, November 28, 2011

NOOO!!! (spoiler alert)

Well, if you watch AMC's The Walking Dead, you know that the crew finally, FINALLY found poor little Sophia in last night's episode. Unfortunately, Rick had to put a bullet in her head as she was UNDEAD. Anyone see that coming? I sure didn't.

This show is amazing to me. Every episode ends with something that makes me gasp, but NEVER so much as last night. And what exactly did the death of zombified Sophia mean for the program? It means NO ONE is safe, which is exactly how it would be in that situation, and I applaud the show's willingness to be that real.

We all know that Shane has been saying a lot of things lately... that he's the only one that knows what it takes to exist in that world... that Rick's line of thinking is pre-apocalypse and, therefore, outdated and dangerous... that he's the true leader of the group... but who was it that stepped up when necessary, and did the impossible job of putting down undead Sophia? Rick. In that moment, I believe he solidified himself as the true leader of the group.

Shane has been going down a dark path for quite some time now, and I honestly didn't know what would happen in the "swamp confrontation" between he and Dale. Shane has threatened him once already... I honestly thought at the very least, Dale was going to get punched in the face. Now we see (if you've watched the previews for the Feb. 12 episode) that Dale is sharing his thoughts on Shane's character with Lori. How much longer can Shane last before completely blowing a gasket and "going Otis" on one of the group? How much longer will it be before Rick and Shane come to blows? They have such a strong bond of friendship, but can it survive their rivalry over who is the alpha male? What do you think? Feel free to comment your opinion below!

And watch THIS CLIP for a great reflection on last nights episode from the mouths of the actors themselves... and for crying out loud....PLEASE WATCH THIS SHOW!

Aim high. Run fast.


Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Like a slimy chunk of styrofoam, B'hold Designs has come charging back up from the depths! It was a while back that my buddy Jason inadvertently sunk my battleship just by giving me a shout-out on his facebook page. But fear not! The four-eyed nerds at B'HQ hooked up jumper cables to the neighbor's car and we are BACK!

Also, tomorrow is Thanksgiving, and we all know what THAT means. It's time to dig out your vhs copy of National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation! Nothing like Chevy Chase dealing with cousin Eddie and Uncle Lewis to put your own family in perspective, right?

And what goes great with that movie? Christmas-Vacation-specific gear from B'hold Designs!! Over at my shop you'll find TWO styles to remind you of this glorious movie that warms the heart and tickles the funny bone. Style One is Clark's great response to Uncle Lewis' order to fetch his wretched cigar. Style Two is the fantastic question Eddie asked after Clark told the kids about the weather man seeing Santa on his radar.

Need more incentive to come by the shop? How about FREE SHIPPING on orders of $55 or more (use code BERRY), or FREE PREMIUM SHIPPING on orders of $100 or more (use code CRAN)!! And that's site-wide, not just my stuff. So if I don't have anything you like, look around! There are a lot of great designs at cafepress. Not sure how long this shipping offer lasts as cafepress is in charge of that.
See for details.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I truly hope your holiday is filled with obnoxious wonderfulness... be that a quiet evening with the family, or a greased up game of twister with grandma. Enjoy.

Aim high. Run fast. Shitter's full.


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

28 Investigations Later

Despite having my site currently offline, the scientists in the B'hold Designs labs are still hard at work kicking out undead material. Nothing like mussing up someone's hair and decaying their flesh to take your mind off important matters.

Today I'm adding two new victims to the celebrity zombie archives! Jason Hawes and Grant Wilson! You know them. They've got that popular show on Syfy about ghost hunting titled (appropriately enough) Ghosthunters! Apparently, all those sleepless nights chasing ghosts took it's toll.

Maybe Ghosthunters will have a zombie episode! That would be kind of cool, right? Here's an idea... everyone write letters to the producers of the show requesting it, and put in a footnote about knowing an extremely handsome zombie consultant they could hire and give them my name! What? You thought since I said handsome I meant someone else? Ok, give them my name, but put in a picture of Clooney if it makes you feel better.

Aim high. Run fast.


What A Mess!

Well, here it is a week later and my site is still down. I've been going back and forth between my host and my bank in an effort to boost my hosting plan, but it's been one headache after another!

HOWEVER, my storefront is still open! Did you realize it's almost Christmas? Have you got a weirdo in your family that likes zombies and fart jokes? Then by all means, browse the aisles of B'hold Designs. You just might find that special something to brighten the holidays with grossness!

Aim high. Run fast.


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I'll B'darned!!

I don't know if you tried to access my website yesterday, but as of this writing it's down. I'll be working on that today, but in the meantime, you might be thinking "what the heck happened??"

Some of you know that I chat with Jason Hawes of Syfy's Ghosthunters from time to time. We actually met thanks to some silly photoshop fun I was having with him and his crew during the early seasons. He's a really cool guy with a great sense of humor.

Anyway, I sent him a link to my latest blog because I thought he might get a kick out of my latest wallpaper. Out of the goodness of his heart he posted a note about it on his Facebook page resulting in over 82,000 hits! Unfortunately, it was too much for B'hold Designs HQ and it went down like the Hindenburg. It was awesome!

So, thank you Jason for introducing me to a whole bunch of new people, and fear not, lovers of zombies.... the B'hold Designs scientists are doing their best to relaunch the site and all will be back to normal as soon as possible!

In the meantime, obviously this blog is still kickin' and so is my storefront, so feel free to browse for Christmas gifts while we mop up.

Aim high. Run fast.


Monday, November 7, 2011

Free Wallpaper to Amuse and Sicken!

It's that time once again! The time where I design some mildly disgusting images and offer them to my loyal followers for FREE (because no one in their right mind would pay money for them)!

Now I'm assuming that you're all familiar with the "I heart NY" shirts that have been around forever... well, this one is very similar in message, yet just a little different in execution.

I present to you "I heart B"!

What's the 'B' for? Why, it's B'hold Designs silly! Knowing how much you, no doubt, enjoy my candy-fueled ramblings, I thought it appropriate to create a wallpaper that would tell the world (or at least anyone who walks by your computer) about your fondness for the zombies churned out by the "B machine."

And don't forget... there are other ways to show your devotion to B'hold Designs! Check out the "B section" of our storefront! There you will find other items (like the sample to the left) that would make people's heads turn.... in confusion. And what's more fun than messing with peoples heads?

Aim high. Run fast. Join us.


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Bacon Bites Back!

In what might be the world's ONLY case of Bacon eating people, I present to you the latest celebrity to fall prey to the mad scientists at B'hold Designs....

Mr. Kevin Bacon!!

Ya gotta love Kevin... from the old "how many degrees of Kevin Bacon" game, to Jim Gaffigan's comedy bit ("they're not going to see a Kevin Hotdog movie"), to his frat boy snot character in Animal House and beyond, we ALL know Kevin, and he's awesome. Did you know he was in the very first Friday the 13th movie? True. Go rent it tonight and see for yourself!

And, as always, remember that you TOO can be a member of the undead!

True, Halloween is over... but can you imagine the look on grandmas's face if you were to replace her treasured photo of you in the 7th grade with a zombified image?? Beautiful family moments like that don't just happen by themselves, ya know.

Aim high. Run fast. Kevin Bacon.
